The points on a Shimura variety modulo a prime of good reduction -- J.S. Milne   Top
Expository Notes
A Primer of Commutative Algebra
Motives---Grothendieck's Dream
What is a Shimura Variety?
Introduction to Shimura Varieties
Shimura Varieties and Moduli
Tannakian Categories
The Work of Tate
Corrected manuscript March 12, 2018
Scan of published manuscript 1992


This is the author's manuscript for
Milne, J.S., The points on a Shimura variety modulo a prime of good reduction. In: The Zeta Function of Picard Modular Surfaces, Publ. Centre de Rech. Math., Montreal (Eds. R. Langlands and D. Ramakrishnan), 1992, pp. 151--253.
except that the TeX has been updated, some corrections and minor editorial changes made, and some footnotes added. Significant changes to the original article have been noted in footnotes.

We explain, in the case of good reduction, the conjecture of Langlands and Rapoport (1987) describing the structure of the points on the reduction of a Shimura variety, and we derive from it the formula conjectured by Kottwitz (1990) expressing a certain trace as a sum of products of (twisted) orbital integrals. Also we introduce the notion of an integral canonical model for a Shimura variety, and we extend the conjecture of Langlands and Rapoport to Shimura varieties defined by groups whose derived group is not simply connected. Finally, we briefly review Kottwitz's stabilization of his formula.


  1. Shimura varieties
  2. Integral canonical models
  3. The pseudo-motivic groupoid
  4. Statement of the main conjecture
  5. The points of Sh_K(G,X) with coordinates in F_q
  6. Integral formulas
  7. A criterion for effectiveness
  8. Stabilization
  9. Appendix: Groupoids and tensor categories
  10. Appendix: The cohomology of reductive groups.
  11. Appendix: Relation to the trace on the intersection cohomology groups