Day 12. To Daltsampa 4250m
The next morning it rained, and we ambled down the valley to the next camp site. [Two parties left Ali camp early, and managed to cross the pass that day, but they had no views. For the next 2 days, the weather was mediocre, and no one was able to cross the pass.]

Rain at Daltsampa. With only a tarp to protect them from the elements, the porters should have been miserable, but they insisted on being happy --- singing and joking to pass the time
Day 13. To Shaishcho
It rained again, and we again had a short walk to the next camp site.
Day 14. To above Spangser c4300m
The weather appeared to be improving, and we set off for the K7 base camp.

Day 15. To K7 base camp c4530m

K6 from the K7 base camp.
Day 16. Climbed small peak c5200m above K7 BC

View looking down at the K7 camp from the small peak
